Token Metadata


Updating Assets

The update authority of an asset can update its Metadata account using the Update instruction as long as the Is Mutable attribute is set to true. The Update instruction requires the Update Authority to sign the transaction and can update the following attributes of the Metadata account:

Updatable Fields

Note that certain delegated authorities can also update the Metadata account of assets as discussed in the "Delegated Authorities" page.

Below is an explanation of all the individual fields available for update in the UpdateV1 instruction.

The Data Object

The object that defines the Name, Symbol, URI, Seller Fee Basis Points and the array of Creators of the asset. Note that the update authority can only add and/or remove unverified creators from the Creators array. The only exception is if the creator is the update authority, in which case the added or removed creators can be verified.

const data = {
  name: 'New Name',
  symbol: 'New Symbol',
  uri: '',
  sellerFeeBasisPoints: 500,
  creators: [],

Primary Sale Happened

Primary Sale Happened: A boolean that indicates whether the asset has been sold before.

primarySaleHappened: true

Is Mutable

A boolean that indicates whether the asset can be updated again. When changing this to false, any future updates will fail.

isMutable: true


Collection: This attribute enables us to set or clear the collection of the asset. Note that when setting a new collection, the verified boolean must be set to false and verified using another instruction.

Setting A Collection

collection: collectionToggle('Set', [
    key: publicKey('11111111111111111111111111111111'),
    verified: false,

Clearing a Collection

collection: collectionToggle("Clear"),

New Update Authority

A new update authority can be assigned to an Asset by passing in the newUpdateAuthority field.

newUpdateAuthority: publicKey('1111111111111111111111111111111')

Programable RuleSets

This attribute enables us to set or clear the rule set of the asset. This is only relevant for Programmable Non-Fungibles.

newUpdateAuthority: publicKey('1111111111111111111111111111111')

Here is how you can use our SDKs to update an asset on Token Metadata.

Update As Update Authority

NFT Asset

This example shows you how to update an NFT Asset as the update Authority of the Asset.

Update Assets

import {
} from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-token-metadata'

const initialMetadata = await fetchMetadataFromSeeds(umi, { mint })
await updateV1(umi, {
  authority: updateAuthority,
  data: { ...initialMetadata, name: 'Updated Asset' },

If you want to update more than just the Data attribute of the Metadata account, simply provide these attributes to the updateV1 method.

import {
} from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-token-metadata'

const initialMetadata = await fetchMetadataFromSeeds(umi, { mint })
await updateV1(umi, {
  authority: updateAuthority,
  data: { ...initialMetadata, name: 'Updated Asset' },
  primarySaleHappened: true,
  isMutable: true,
  // ...

pNFT Asset

This example shows you how to update a Programable NFT (pNFT) Asset as the update Authority of the Asset.

pNFT Asset Update

import { getMplTokenAuthRulesProgramId } from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-candy-machine'
import {
} from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-token-metadata'
import { publicKey, unwrapOptionRecursively } from '@metaplex-foundation/umi'

// The Mint ID of the pNFT Asset
const mintId = publicKey('1111111111111111111111111111111')

// Fetch the Metadata of the pNFT Asset
const metadata = await fetchMetadataFromSeeds(umi, { mint: mintId })

// Set the new Data of the pNFT Asset
const data = {
  name: 'New Name',
  symbol: 'New Symbol',
  uri: '',
  sellerFeeBasisPoints: 500,
  creators: [],

// Update the pNFT as the Update Authority
const txRes = await updateAsUpdateAuthorityV2(umi, {
  mint: mintId,
  data: data,
  tokenStandard: TokenStandard.ProgrammableNonFungible,
  collection: collectionToggle('Clear'),
  // Check to see if the pNFT asset as auth rules.
    unwrapOptionRecursively(metadata.programmableConfig)?.ruleSet || undefined,
  // Auth rules program ID
  authorizationRulesProgram: getMplTokenAuthRulesProgramId(umi),
  // You may have to set authorizationData if required by the authorization rules
  authorizationData: undefined,
Fetching Assets